Handy Hints

The Application of a Drain Camera in Geelong

Posted by on November 9, 2020

Nowadays, digital imaging is utilized for almost everything, from military strategies to medical applications to plumbing. Due to the advanced digital technology, many plumbing contractors can now utilize small, water-resistant, and full-color cameras to inspect your drainage system. A drain camera refers to a small camera that is attached to a flexible cable to fit down in any drain. The cable is then guided through your drainage system, and the camera produces a signal that assists the plumbing contractor in identifying the exact spot of the issue while supplying a clear layout of your sewer system as well.

The drain camera sends out a live video feed to a mobile device or television screen, which enables the plumbing professional to diagnose the problem correctly and fast. As a result, drain cameras are incredibly diagnostic tools that have become almost indispensable for effective drain cleaning. If you are looking to hire a plumbing service for drain cleaning, Geelong 24 Hour Plumbing uses this valuable imaging gadget to clear and unblock drainage systems. Here are some of the reasons why having a drain camera inspection is essential for drain cleaning.

It determines the condition of the drainage pipes.

The inner mechanisms of your residential property’s plumbing are usually out of mind and out of sight. You cannot monitor the condition of the pipes all the time, but a replacement of a part of the entire system might be necessary sometimes. A drain inspection camera is a moderately non-intrusive way to assess the condition of your plumbing network. That is especially important when purchasing a new home because knowing when a collapsed pipe is looming, or corrosion is happening can save you from costly repairs and impending plumbing emergencies.

It identifies the exact location of cracks or damage to the pipes, leaks, and other problem areas.

Sometimes it can be quite difficult to know if your pipes are collecting an accumulation of debris or even determine how far down a blockage goes. Besides, you might not know that a debris accumulation has turned into a big obstruction until you notice slow draining or sewer backups in your home. However, with the use of a drain camera in Geelong, you can know when a clog is forming and the present condition of your pipes. This device offers valuable information that your plumbing service can use to conduct in-depth drain cleaning. The best thing about drain cameras is that there is no speculating or guessing because you will know for sure where the problem spots are in the drainage system.

It can capture small plumbing issues before they become big problems.

Most homeowners do not know the age of their drainpipes, and these pipes do not last forever. You might not be experiencing sewer line leaks or slow drains currently, but material corrosions and other minor problems now might lead to breakdowns and leaks in the long run. A drain camera inspection will help you notice these problems early and even have enough time to make relevant decisions to keep your drainage system in a good working condition.

It can help you analyze the drainage system when purchasing a new home.

Municipal sewer lines can be new or quite old, but a professional plumber cannot know until they see how they look. Your brand new residential property can have new sewer connections that connect to a local sewer system that is over a hundred years old. A drain camera in Geelong can determine the kind of pipes the new home has and where all the sewer connections are. A drain camera inspection can help you view the tees and fittings and determine whether there are any problems. Without a drain camera, there is no way to know if you are dealing with PVC or iron pipes.

Need an emergency plumber?

Regular drain inspections and cleaning are vital to keep the plumbing system of your home in a good working condition and to prevent severe damages caused by sewer line leaks. If you are looking for a drain inspection and cleaning service, you can call Geelong 24 Hour Plumbing. Our professionals utilize drain cameras to inspect your drainage system before cleaning.

We also offer other plumbing services like hot water systems repairs, leaking taps, burst pipes, gas plumbing, and carbon monoxide testing, among others. Simply call us today on 1300 368 866 for a reliable and fast drain camera inspection and in the event of any other plumbing emergencies.



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